OsteoRehab Group Sessions
Our Physiotherapists run 4 afternoon group sessions per week in our fully equipped gym next door. Participants are provided with their own individualised program and work through this at their own pace. Exercises and challenges are updated regularly by the supervising physiotherapist.
Classes are designed for persons with:
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Balance issues
- General stiffness and inactivity
- Parkinson’s Disease
A pre-exercise consultation with a physiotherapist is essential to assess current and previous injuries, medical history and strength and balance tests. After your assessment your physiotherapist will take you through your program one on one in the gym on one or more occasions until you are confident to join the group sessions. Group physiotherapy is billed as a 560 code and you should check with your health fund whether you can claim for group physiotherapy and what your rebate is.

Class Times
Mondays: 1pm
Wednesdays: 1pm
Fridays: 2pm
Costs: $120 initial assessment (rebates apply)
$105 per individual program session (rebates apply)
$24 per group session thereafter in a block of 10 (health fund rebate $8-$18 per session)