
The Jumpers Knee

Patella Tendinopathy   With the summer season of sports including beach volleyball and cricket about to begin it might be timely to discuss a common cause of knee pain in athletes, patella tendinopathy. Patella tendinopathy is defined as “pain and dysfunction in...

Tight Back? Try this new Hack!

Your prayers have been answered!   Low back pain is one of the most common presentations to any physiotherapy clinic. With our work lives becoming more desk based, we are reducing the volume and variety of movement we are incorporating into our daily lives. We...

Osteoarthritis and Exercise

Will Exercise make my OA worse?   As physiotherapists, we frequently get asked  if exercising is safe after a daignosis of knee OA. Despite people being more aware how exercising is the magic pill to many diseases, we seem to continue to believe that once we have...

Mindfulness in 2019

Is Mindfulness the next big thing? In a word of increasing stress and technological advances,  it is often too easy for us to prioritise the world around us before our own wellbeing. Whether it be due to long work hours, running around our kids or the pressures...