
The Post Pregnancy Tummy

Will I get my flat tummy back? What is it? Rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD) is a widening of the abdominal muscle wall resulting in the separation of the two main abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis) by increasing the width of the linea alba. What is normal? Normal...

The Barefoot Runner

Where are we in 2019? In 2010 Daniel Lieberman and fellow colleagues took to the skeletal biology lab at Harvard university to ask, how and why humans can and did run comfortably without modern running shoes. Before we come to the hypothesised answer we need to...

Dangers of the Teenage Laptop

What is the effect of the portable computer? In our clinic we are becoming concerned at the increasing number of 9-17 year olds presenting with upper back and neck pain. One obvious cause is the extended periods of time children are spending on laptops, along with...